Inphinity Mole

Upload and analyze text in Qlik

Available for Qlik Sense

Transform text from various sources into structured data in Qlik. Search content and metadata, identify patterns, or integrate with AI for advanced queries.

Supported data sources

Discover document connections

Quickly identify connections and patterns in documents and find similar cases in investigation reports, protocols, medical or other records.

Turn text into structured data with AI

Upload text to Qlik, connect your chosen LLM service, ask questions to receive structured answers, and store these in your preferred database.

Full-text search in content and metadata

Search all documents for specific keywords, including scanned images and pictures. Extracted metadata enables locating old documents or filtering files by owner, size, or permissions.

Recognize patterns automatically

Employ our pattern recognition module to automatically identify emails, credit cards, or other PII data in your network’s documents and databases. You can utilize built-in patterns or customize your own.

We can’t wait to show you text analysis in Qlik!

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Discover more capabilities

Remove duplicates

Save resources by eliminating duplicate files across your infrastructure.

Identify networks

Analyze relationships between entities in multiple files and databases.

Optimize e-mail

Detect issues and bottlenecks in e-mails, including leaks of sensitive information.

Our partners

Inphinity distributes its products through a global partner program, working closely with partners and customers to push the boundaries of data analytics and creating solutions to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve Qlik user satisfaction.